Free Tax Preparation!

The IRS created the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) free tax prep program to provide free tax preparation for low-income and at-risk taxpayers with the help of community partners and volunteers. Each year, United Way volunteers help thousands of individuals and families prepare their taxes.

If your household earned less than $67,000 in 2024, you qualify to file your taxes at no cost through our free tax prep program.

There are a variety of volunteer roles for this program and not all require tax knowledge:

  • Tax Preparers - accurately prepare and e-file tax returns for over 19,000 working families.

  • Greeters - do not need tax knowledge! They welcome taxpayers, verify that they have all required documents and information, and ensure that they fill out the necessary intake forms.

  • Interpreters - can assist at various levels: prepare taxes, greet taxpayers or interpret only. Bilingual volunteers are needed at all sites.

Volunteers will receive between four and thirty hours of training (depending on the volunteer position selected) and will volunteer at one of the free tax locations (in-person or virtual) during the tax filing season.

Training for the next tax season will begin in the late fall. For questions on volunteering, email


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